Our Mission 世界中の人々がビジネス・文化・観光など、あらゆる国境を越えた交流で適切な『移動手段』を必要とします。


Nowadays, people acrossed overseas as a business, culture and tourism.
Ena travel provides itself an innovation and customer satisfaction with ongoing improvements and continued growth of individual business model.
Ena travel aimed for an enable to function in a convenience and best choice for the customer.
In conjunction with our mission statement, Ena travel develops new business model to create more accessibility and more independent world tourism on oneself.

我々のミッション Our Mission

  • お客様の代理店 Agency for client お客様の期待を超える『賢い選択』を提案しつづけます。 Ena travel provides wise selection of buying ticket that exceeds the customer's expectation.
  • イノベーティブ Innovation 各専門分野のスペシャリストが最新の技術と独自のサービスを常時提供します。 Ena travel develops new business model to create more accessibility and more independent world tourism.
  • クオリティ第一 Quality すべてのアウトプットにおいて最良・最善であり続けます。 Ena travel aims for all the service provide with appropriate purpose of the customer.
  • フレキシブル Flexibility お客様のご意見を最大限取り入れ、柔軟に進化します。 Ena travel develops ourselves by taken customer's opinion.
  • ユーザビリティー Usability あらゆるサービスは、お客様の目線から考案します。 Ena travel provides all the service by considering incustomer's viewpoint.
  • お客様の代理店 Agency for client


    Ena travel provides wise selection of buying ticket that exceeds the customer's expectation.

  • イノベーティブ Innovation


    Ena travel develops new business model to create more accessibility and more independent world tourism.

  • クオリティ第一 Quality


    Ena travel aims for all the service provide with appropriate purpose of the customer.

  • フレキシブル Flexibility


    Ena travel develops ourselves by taken customer's opinion.

  • ユーザビリティー Usability


    Ena travel provides all the service by considering incustomer's viewpoint.